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Wooden tableware and plastic tableware: why should you change?

编辑:2022-11-25 09:58:18


If you are passionate about the health of the environment, you may be looking for ways to change your lifestyle to reduce personal waste.Some of the changes are larger and require a lot of thought and planning, such as becoming vegetarian or exploring alternative travel methods to reduce gas emissions. However, you can add many small changes to your daily life, which can greatly reduce your waste output over time. One of the changes is to give up plastic tableware and use reusable wooden tableware instead.

1、Vote for sustainability with your spending

Good news: As a consumer, you have many choices, and disposable plastics, especially disposable tableware, can easily be avoided through correct substitutes and some plans. Fortunately, you can carry reusable and durable tableware like a metal water bottle or ceramic coffee cup.

2、Reduce plastic consumption without sacrificing convenience

In the debate about disposable wooden tableware and plastic, the former has many advantages, while the latter has no advantages. The main reason for making plastic utensils is convenience. However, with its compact size, easy storage and minimal maintenance and cleaning needs, wooden tableware is difficult to describe as inconvenient, and has many advantages in supporting sustainable industries, reducing plastic use and reducing exposure to harmful chemicals.

If you want to buy disposable wooden tableware, please contact us.

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