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How to choose wooden tableware?

编辑:2022-11-25 09:58:18


Wooden tableware is the best one with no cracks, hard wood and smooth surface. If you want to choose high-quality wood, you should know some wood knowledge. Choose wooden tableware, and try not to choose those that have been painted. Painted wooden tableware has a shiny appearance. Most tableware treated with paint has a relatively high lead content. If it is used for a long time, the paint will enter the body with food and endanger human health. It is better to choose tableware made of natural wood.

Smell: The natural wood has a natural fragrance. The treated inferior wooden tableware contains harmful substances and smells strange.

Look at the color: Don't buy anything that is particularly white or bright.

Texture: The surface of wooden tableware should be hard, smooth and free of cracks. When selecting, you can use your thumb nail to gently scratch the cross section to see if it is hard enough. Take disposable wooden chopsticks as an example. They are very fragile and can break easily.

Weight: This is very important when choosing wooden tableware. The weight is too light and not suitable. For example, disposable tableware feels light. In addition, the selection of wooden tableware should also pay attention to the relative density. Tableware made of good wood is easy to sink in water, while ordinary wood is the opposite.

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