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About the wooden coffee stick design

编辑:2022-11-25 09:58:18


About the wooden coffee stick design,Every cold winter morning,buy a hot cup of coffee at a convenience store.Serve with bread.Breakfast is thus satisfied.Coffee is a common hot drink in autumn and winter.

I believe everyone is no stranger to the "brown stick" in it.A little friend may think that the middle is recessed very strange.But do you know what it does?What is the mystery of such a design? Today i will take you to reveal the answer.

It is a stirring bar,used to stir coffee.The part that is recessed in the middle.It is a design that takes into account both strength and feel.When you use it to stir coffee for hot drinks.

Many solid stir sticks will soften.Such a hollow stir bar is stronger,because eating something too hot can easily trigger esophageal cancer,so it can also be used as a hot straw to avoid burns.

The middle is recessed to divide the straw into two channels.Increased contact area between liquid and tube walls.The drinker's mouth cannot wrap it all tightly.When absorbing hot coffee, a small amount of air is sucked up at the same time.

This not only makes the hot drink flow slow.You can also take the opportunity to cool down hot drinks.The hot drink in the mouth is not so hot,and for women who wear lipstick or lipstick.

Use this hot straw for coffee.It is also very convenient.A small coffee stir stick has such a magical design.For fast food hot drinks in paper cups.It's a two-pronged idea.How about is it that I really want to have ?

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