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There is no better design than toothpicks

编辑:2022-11-25 09:58:18


Toothpick is a typical example of design axiom that form follows function. But not only that: it has both form and function in a single, compact, portable, biodegradable and sustainable entity. It is as smooth as a rocket, as simple as a rock, and has a certain charm.

1、Toothpicks are self-evident

Its shape is the epitome of design inspiration, and also serves as a handle, excavator and manual. Its shape not only tells you how to hold and use it, but also tells you where to put its pins.

2、The toothpick is reliable

It has no moving parts or circuits that will shake or fail; The only part of it is itself, and the only place where it breaks is in the middle. When damaged, it actually doubles its effectiveness by doubling its tip. (But pay attention to the fragments.)

3、Toothpicks are sustainable

Toothpicks are durable and fully biodegradable. Moreover, as long as we can plant trees or bamboo, we will never use up its only ingredient.

4、The price of toothpicks is affordable

No matter what their socio-economic status is, they can afford to extract popcorn seeds occasionally for at least one couple for less than half a cent per person. Toothpicks are very cheap. In fact, you can buy hundreds of toothpicks, and you can be sure that you need no more storage space than a can of soda.

The above briefly introduces the benefits of toothpicks. If you want to buy toothpicks, please contact us.

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